Expert du Sommeil

Expert du Sommeil

Expert du Sommeil

Web Application Development is an online store specializing in the sale of high-quality sleep equipment: mattresses, pillows, duvets, bed bases, and other accessories. The client sought a high-performing and attractive platform to promote and sell its products in a growing Moroccan e-commerce market. They needed an intuitive, easy-to-navigate website capable of handling a large volume of orders while offering a high level of customer service.
Key Objectives
  1. Creating an efficient online store: Provide end customers with a smooth, fast, and secure shopping experience.
  2. Meeting tight deadlines: The website had to be launched in less than 2 months to align with a marketing campaign initiated by the client.
  3. Cost optimization: The client aimed to get a high-quality solution at a competitive price, without compromising essential features or site performance.
  4. Scalability: The website needed to be able to handle future traffic and order increases while maintaining fast loading times.


  1. Tight timeline: The complete development, from requirements analysis to online launch, had to be completed in less than two months. This compressed schedule required strict planning and flawless execution.
  2. Budget management: The project had a limited budget, which required careful choices regarding technological solutions, modules integration, and feature customization.
  3. Complexity of Magento: Although Magento is one of the most robust e-commerce platforms, it requires high-level technical expertise, especially in customization, plugin integration, and performance optimization.

Approach and Solutions Implemented

1. Needs Analysis and Agile Planning

The first step was to work closely with the client to understand their specific needs and the expectations of the end-users. A series of workshops helped define:

  • The product catalog (variants, customization options).
  • The functionalities to prioritize (optimized search engine, advanced product filters, promotions management).
  • Necessary integrations (local payment methods, stock management system, shipping).

We adopted an agile methodology, dividing the project into sprints to ensure continuous delivery of features, while maintaining flexibility to accommodate adjustments along the way.

2. Development on Magento

Due to the complex needs for catalog management and sales, Magento was chosen as the platform. Its robustness and flexibility allow for extensive customization, including:

  • Custom theme design: Creation of a unique and intuitive design, respecting the brand's visual identity while ensuring smooth navigation. The theme was designed to be responsive, optimized for mobile and tablets, to capture a maximum of users.
  • Functionality customization: Implementation of advanced filters to help customers quickly find the right product (mattress size, firmness, material types).
  • Performance optimization: Integration of caching techniques and image compression to speed up page load times, crucial for retaining users.
3. Integration of Payment Methods and Logistics

The site was designed to offer multiple payment options, including popular local solutions in Morocco, such as credit card payments and online payment platforms. We also considered logistics by integrating flexible shipping options, allowing the client to efficiently manage their shipments and inventory in real-time.

4. Testing and Validation

A rigorous set of tests was conducted before launch to ensure the site ran smoothly across all platforms. Performance, security, and user experience tests were conducted to detect and fix any bugs or slowdowns.

5. Client Training and Continuous Support

Once the site was ready, we provided comprehensive training to allow the client to independently manage aspects of the site such as:

  • Order management: Process tracking, shipping, and returns handling.
  • Catalog updates: Adding new products, managing promotions, and pricing.
  • Performance analysis: Using built-in analytics tools to monitor sales and adjust marketing strategies accordingly.


  1. On-time launch: The website was launched within the two-month deadline, in synchronization with the planned marketing campaign.
  2. Budget compliance: The project was delivered within the client’s budget constraints while ensuring a robust and high-performing final product.
  3. User satisfaction: The site quickly experienced increased traffic and sales thanks to its intuitive interface, attractive design, and ease of navigation.
  4. Scalability: Thanks to Magento’s flexible architecture, the site is ready for future updates and extensions, depending on the client’s growing needs.
  5. Client feedback: The client expressed full satisfaction with the quality and speed of the work delivered, and we anticipate future collaborations for potential site evolutions.


The development of by DSI Conseil & Services showcases our ability to design powerful and customized e-commerce solutions while respecting time and budget constraints. Our Magento expertise allows us to transform our clients’ ideas into high-performing and profitable digital realities. We remain committed to continuing to support in its future digital challenges.